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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Thich Nhat Hanh. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, 11 de agosto de 2020

Escuta Compassiva


Na prática da escuta compassiva, escutamos com apenas um propósito: dar à outra pessoa a oportunidade de falar sobre a sua situação e sofrer menos. Pratica inspirar e expirar profundamente e concentra-te no que estás a ouvir. Enquanto a outra pessoa fala, ela pode expressar ressentimentos, percepções erradas, ou fazer acusações. Se permitires que essas coisas toquem na semente de raiva na tua consciência, perderás a tua capacidade de escutar profundamente. Escutar com atenção plena ajuda-te a manter a tua compaixão viva. Protege-te e a tua raiva não será activada. Mesmo só 15 minutos de escutar assim pode ser muito curativo e trazer muito alívio à outra pessoa. Talvez sejas a primeira pessoa que alguma vez escutou a outra pessoa dessa forma. Thich Nhat Hanh – How to Love

fonte: Thich Nhat Hanh em Português

via: Fabiana Gomes

Thich Nhat Hanh

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Planting Seeds (Mindfulness)

Thich Nhat Hanh describes a story of a young girl who was using her computer all day long, every day, and her mother asked him how she can solve this problem. This is an Indiegogo update video for the crowdfunding campaign for the Planting Seeds: The Power of Mindfulness Film, which you can see and support here:

See also (comments form previous removed video):


French, German, Italian and Spanish 
(coming Soon)

"In the world we are asking, How can our children grow up to be peace-builders? How can they learn to use the conflicts of the past to provide compost for lasting harmony in our communities, our nations, and the world?

Planting seeds is a film to answer these questions.

It is a project to show us how mindfulness can help to water the seeds of beauty and goodness in each child, and, importantly, how each child can learn to water those seeds in themselves and others for their lifetime, and for successive generations.

We are beyond the time of saying that such an education is desirable. For the health, sustainability, and happiness of our global community, it is now our only real option."

- Brother Phap Luu, Plum Village, France


“Planting Seeds” The Power of Mindfulness (Working title) is based on the book, Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children,by Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village Community

This feature documentary and animated film will give children and adults an embodied experience of peace and wellbeing as well as effective tools for creating peaceful, happy lives long after the film is over. It will be shot this July in Plum Village, France, during the month-long Summer Retreat, in which thousands of families from all over the world learn how mindfulness can enrich and heal people of all ages.

The film is the fruit of Plum Village’s thirty years of sharing mindfulness and compassion with children, parents and educators. Planting Seeds offers meaningful, fun and engaging activities that children can do at home, in school settings, or in their local communities, either self-guided or led by and adult. Key practices presented include mindful breathing, mindful walking, inviting the bell, pebble meditation, the Two Promises or ethical guidelines for children, eating meditation and dealing with conflict and strong emotions.

Children will learn inspiring songs that reinforce the practices of peace and be engaged by personal stories of how families and other children apply mindfulness in their daily life courageously and creatively.

The film will help children relieve stress, increase concentration, nourish gratitude and confidence, deal with difficult emotions, improve communication with ourselves and others, and touch our interconnection with nature.

The film will also feature parents, teachers and children from several countries, plus Thich Nhat Hanh, Sr. Jewel, Brother Phap Dung, and other monks and nuns, who will share their experience and practice of mindfulness.

The sustainably packaged Double DVD and Blu Ray Limited Edition DVD will contain the film, plus music from Joe Reilly and other Sangha musicians, great educational material and exercises that a teacher, a parent or child can easily use to bring the “Power of Mindfulness” into their classroom, their home and their lives.

15% of the profits from all sold comic books, ibooks and dvds will be happily donated to Plum Village. 

Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help children, parents, teachers and communities develop the skills to promote peace in themselves and in the world around them.

Help us to creatively introduce young people around the world to the transformational power of Mindfulness via the engaging medium of film.


You can help by making a financial pledge of any size, even $10 will be an enormous help in making the dream of completing the film a reality.

You can also help by directing people to this page and sharing the project on your Facebook and Twitter pages.


Making films is expensive. Normally a production of this nature would cost $500,000. We've managed to keep the costs low because our team is willing to work for 45% less then their normal and fair rates, we love the Plum Village community, what they stand for and also sincerely believe that mindfulness is a tool that can help transform ourselves and our world.

All funds raised via IndieGoGo will go toward the production of the film which will begin at Plum Village France, in July 2012 (our team will be there the entire month of July) and will continue throughout the fall of 2012. This includes inexpensive travel and accommodation (Plum Village and the E.I.A.B in Germany) for our small film crew, camera & lighting equipment rental, and insurance, as well as post-production, animation work, sound mixing, AND 

- Filming simultaneously in several locations (and languages) in Plum Village

- Editing and mastering
- Language translation (French, German, Italian and Spanish)
- Film color correction
- Sustainable DVD 2 pack & Blu-Ray DVD production
- Graphics and artwork

- Comic Book & IBook production
- Film festival submissions
- Accounting & Administration
- IndieGoGo / PayPal / Credit Card processing fees


Our "Peace is The Way" - film team “Sangha” has been honored to be asked to produce this film for the Plum Village community. Our team consists of social and environmental activists who are beginning practitioners of Mindfulness. Our lives and are work are continually being positively transformed by mindful compassion.

Smiles, Gratitude and Humble Bows__()__

domingo, 5 de junho de 2011

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh (born October 11, 1926) is a Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist now based in France.
He joined a Zen monastery at the age of 16, studied Buddhism as a novice, and was fully ordained as a monk in 1949. The name Thích is used by all Vietnamese monks and nuns, meaning that they are part of the Shakya (Shakyamuni Buddha) clan. In the early 1960s, he founded the School of Youth for Social Services (SYSS) in Saigon. This grassroots relief organization rebuilt bombed villages, set up schools, established medical centers, and resettled families left homeless during the Vietnam War. He traveled to the U.S. to study at Princeton University, and later to lecture at Cornell University and Columbia University. His focus at the time was to urge the U.S. government to withdraw from Vietnam. He urged Martin Luther King, Jr. to publicly oppose the Vietnam War; King nominated Hanh for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 1967. He created the (non-Zen) Order of Interbeing in 1966, establishing monastic and practice centers around the world. In 1973, the Vietnamese government denied Nhat Hanh permission to return to Vietnam and he went into exile in France. From 1976 to 1977 he led efforts to rescue Vietnamese boat people in the Gulf of Siam.
Nhat Hanh has become an important influence in the development of Western Buddhism. His teachings and practices aim to appeal to people from various religious, spiritual, and political backgrounds, intending to offer mindfulness practices for more Western sensibilities. As of 2007, he has been based at the Plum Village Monastery in the Dordogne region in the South of France, travelling internationally to give retreats and talks. He coined the term Engaged Buddhism in his book Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire. A long-term exile, he was given permission to make his first return trip to Vietnam in 2005 and has returned regularly since. He was awarded the Courage of Conscience award in 1991.
Nhat Hanh has published more than 100 books, including more than 40 in English. A journal for the Order of Interbeing, The Mindfulness Bell, is published quarterly which includes a Dharma talk by him. Nhat Hanh continues to be active in the peace movement, promoting non-violent solutions to conflict. He has also been featured in many films, including The Power of Forgiveness showcased at the Dawn Breakers International Film Festival.
source: wikipedia