quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2021

Universal Language

What makes the use of naughty words so powerful? The power of the taboo, of course. That reality is universally recognized: Just about every language in the world contains curse words.

"It seems that as soon as you have a taboo word, and the emotional insight that the word is going to cause discomfort for other people, the rest seems to follow naturally," Byrne said.

It's not just people who swear. Even primates curse when given the chance.

"Chimpanzees in the wild tend to use their excrement as a social signal, one that's designed to keep people away," Byrne said.

Hand-raised chimps who were potty-trained learned sign language for "poo" so they could tell their handlers when they needed the toilet.

"And as soon as they learned the poo sign they began using it like we do the word sh*t," Byrne said. "Cursing is just a way of expressing your feelings that doesn't involve throwing actual sh*t. You just throw the idea of sh*t around."

Does that mean that we should curse whenever we feel like it, regardless of our environment or the feelings of others? Of course not. But at least you can cut yourself some slack the next time you inadvertently let an F-bomb slip.

After all, you're just being human.

in CNN

mwangi gatheca @thirdworldhippy

Sobre a Pandemia...


terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2021

Planeta Terra é um ser vivo !

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe was born in Iran in 1958, son of an X-ray engineer. He was introduced to the world of radiation and nuclear science at a very young age. In 1981 he graduated from Queen Mary College, University of London, as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology system control. He has spent the years since then completing a system for the production of gravity and energy using a radioactive hydrogen-fueled reactor that is clean and safe. He has covered all aspects of the design of a new plasma nuclear system from the very beginning to its present stage. This has included the design, the fuel, testing and practical applications. He has concentrated on completing the full range of his technology for launching into the scientific world and industry. The intellectual properties related to this technology were transferred to Stichting the Keshe Foundation.

divulgação: mural man@

segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2021

No one raised a hand

One of my friends told me about a powerful lesson in her daughter's high school class this winter. They're learning about the Salem Witch Trials, and their teacher told them they were going to play a game.

"I'm going to come around and whisper to each of you whether you're a witch or a regular person. Your goal is to build the largest group possible that does NOT have a witch in it. At the end, any group found to include a witch gets a failing grade."

The teens dove into grilling each other. One fairly large group formed, but most of the students broke into small, exclusive groups, turning away anyone they thought gave off even a hint of guilt.

"Okay," the teacher said. "You've got your groups. Time to find out which ones fail. All witches, please raise your hands."

No one raised a hand. 

The kids were confused and told him he'd messed up the game. 

"Did I? Was anyone in Salem an actual witch? Or did everyone just believe what they'd been told?"

And that is how you teach kids how easy it is to divide a community. 

Keep being welcoming, beautiful people. Shunning, scapegoating and dividing destroy far more than they protect. We're all in this together.

Ria Megnin

Source: SHE On The Tip Of Her Tongue

Mas no Amor...

"Mas no amor, 

nós damos a nós mesmos, 

comunicamos a nós mesmos a outro, 

transcendemo-nos em auto-rendição. 

Assim também no ser divino, 

na realidade absoluta, 

há movimento de amor, 

auto-entrega, auto-rendição. 

Deus se dá ao homem, 

comunica seu próprio espírito, 

seu interior ao homem, 

mas isto por sua vez reflete 

o movimento da auto-entrega, 

de auto-rendição na divindade; 

o movimento de autoconhecimento, 

de autor-reflexo, 

de autoconsciência em Deus, 

é acompanhado por outro movimento 

de auto-entrega, 

de auto-rendição de amor extático." 

Bede Griffiths


WhatsApp Angelica Tostes (Shativanan-inter-fé)


Oração do Papa Francisco a Maria em tempos de pandemia


domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2021

Era um louco? Era um Santo!


Para os braços da minha mãe

Esta manhã, 
voltei aos braços da minha mãe,
estive no seu colo, 
no seu ventre,
na sua infância 
e no ventre da minha avó.
Foi uma viagem tão linda
que com ela partilhei. 
Estive com Deus,
com Deus Mãe 
Obrigado Mãe! Obrigado Pai!
Obrigado 🙏

Tercena, 24 de Janeiro de 2021


uma fase especial

"A fase que se inicia com Buddha e Pitágoras, e finda com os Neoplatónicos e os Gnósticos, é o único foco, que a história nos depara, aonde pela última vez convergem os cintilantes raios de luz emanados de idades remotíssimas e não obscurecidos pelo fanatismo".
Helena Blavatsky, A Doutrina Secreta, Vol. I
fonte: mural de José Manuel Anacleto

... mas eu creio que passamos Hoje uma fase especial, de mudança, de transmutação e tenho muita Esperança e uma Fé imensa de que o Amor prevalecerá, Agora! 🙏

Tercena, 24 de Janeiro de 2021

sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2021


Excerto do concerto "O Espírito da Paz",
gravado ao vivo no Palais des Beaux-Arts,
Bruxelas, Bélgica, 24 de abril de 1995




Ninguém Te Ama Como Eu


O Senhor É Meu Pastor


A Nossa Fé


Quando surgem as grandes dificuldades...


sobre felicidade


still love despite the pain

mural DV