domingo, 9 de outubro de 2022

About Jesus that only a few know

What can I learn from you about Jesus Christ that a very few people know?

The mission of Jesus Christ was not to start a new religion but a new human consciousness that goes beyond religious labels. It is capable to say : I am the way, the truth and the life( not religion is the way, the truth and the life). It means freedom from past, freedom from future and to manifest eternity in the present.

The mission of Jesus Christ was to inaugurate the New Covenant in which God writes the Law in the hearts of human beings. Writing the Law in the heart means to reveal who human beings are in their deepest level and not to tell them what to do, what not to do. It makes human beings free from all scriptures and all religions and all external authority. They declare: I am the way, the truth and the life.

The mission of Jesus Christ was to make people free. 'Truth will make you free', he declared. 'Just as the Father has life( freedom) in himself he has granted the Son to have life in himself( freedom). I have come to give life( freedom) and give it abundantly', he said. A free person will declare: I am the way, the truth and the life.

The mission of Jesus Christ was not to convert people from one religion to another religion but to invite people to make conversion from religions to God and declare: I am the way, the truth and the life or God is the way, the truth and the life.

His message can be summarised:

God or Truth is greater than religions and human beings.(My Father is greater than me).

Human beings in their deepest level are greater than religions. (The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath).

Religions are meant to be at the service of human beings and not human beings at the service of religion.(The Sabbath is made for human beings and not human beings for the sake of the Sabbath)

Jesus Christ transcended all barriers and initiated one God, one creation and one humanity.

He went even further and declared: the Father and I are one. Thus he opened this possibility to everyone.

~John Martin

source: John Martin Sahajananda Kuvarapu

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